Summer Safety
100 Safe Days of Summer: Staying Safe 24/7
Make your summer memorable for the right reasons
Family cookouts, kids home from school playing ball with Mom or Dad, long drives to vacation destinations, water skiing, outings to amusement parks…all great experiences of summer.
But these good things can also be a distraction; ones that we all look forward to but tend to make us want to rush through our day to get to the fun or cause us to return to work fatigued. Even if we know not to rush, our excitement (or fatigue) can be a distraction and lead us to make unsafe decisions if we don’t develop safe habits in our daily life.
These can be contributing factors to why there are historically higher frequencies of serious injuries and fatalities at work and home during the summer months.
Practice Safe Habits 24/7
If we don’t practice safe habits to the point that they are instinctive and automatic, it is likely we will make an unsafe decision in response to an unforeseen incident or event.
Ask yourself these questions about some of your habits:
Do you always keep your eyes on the task you are doing?
Do you always look in the direction where your hands or feet are going before you move them?
As you exit your car or truck, do you look down where you are stepping out before placing weight on your foot?
Do you always check your blind spot in the car before changing lanes?
Do you store things on the floor as you enter the door at home or your work area instead of putting them right away? (potential trip hazard for you or others)
Do you give yourself enough time to arrive to your destinations or finish tasks so you aren’t rushed? (Rushing can lead to unsafe decisions)
Do you stay alert to your environment and others’ actions that may injure you? (speeding driver, co-worker pushing heavy unstable load, a missing machine guard that someone was in too much of a hurry to replace)
Are you planning your vacation departure or return so you get enough rest before or after?