Preparing Employees for Winter Weather Driving
Winter driving can be hazardous and scary, especially in regions where snow and ice are a common part of the winter landscape. It’s crucial for businesses to ensure their employees are well-prepared for these conditions, and even more so if you have employees regularly driving for company business.
While winter weather is not a common occurrence in the South, occasional snow and ice can create hazardous driving conditions. Here are some safety tips for southern drivers who may be unaccustomed to winter driving.
And finally, winter weather can be tough on vehicles. A poorly maintained vehicle is a safety hazard to your drivers and others on the road. These tips can help to ensure vehicles are well-maintained and ready to handle the challenges of winter driving.
Your Strategic Comp Loss Prevention Consultant can help you develop your winter safety plan, and also help you prepare for non-routine tasks. Let's make winter safety work for everyone!