Recent Successes
Strategic Comp is dedicated to making workers’ comp work for everyone. Here are just a few examples of clients who have said yes to our differentiated offering.
Third Party Logistics Company
As a National Account, this insured was looking for a partner that could logistically service all their locations and provide a program structure that optimized potential cost savings. Once we were able to get in and meet with the insured, they realized we were the perfect carrier to fulfill their needs.
Wood Products Manufacturer
This insured is a former account of ours who moved to another carrier for a low premium thinking they “wood” get the same services. It did not take long for them to realize you get what you pay for. They moved back to us the following year because they missed our dedicated service team and hands-on approach.
Grading & Paving Contractor
Many insureds are often interested in captives. With Strategic's program having paved the way to improved results for this insured, they moved to a captive with a TPA handling their claims in hopes of more savings. Once there, it did not take long to see the grass is not always greener on the other side, and are excited to be back with Strategic!
Cookie Manufacturer
With a lower guaranteed cost premium, there were few, if any, options that would provide the cost savings this insured was looking for. Paying premium with no reward for good loss experience -- that's the way the cookie crumbles, or so they thought. Once presented with the cash flow advantages with our aggregate deductible, they realized soon they would be rolling in the dough!
Nursing Home Group
Having been with the same carrier for many years, this insured realized it was time for a change and began looking for a new home. With a steadily increasing experience mod, the producer was looking for a partner that could take care of their service needs. Having heard about Strategic from other agents in the office, he reached out to learn more and was impressed with both our program structure and our hands on service approach. Making the move to Strategic Comp was an easy decision and gave him piece of mind.
Tire Dealer
As the saying goes, third time is a charm. We had provided a proposal for the two past renewals for this prospect. Unfortunately, the insured was just not ready to move from traditional guaranteed cost, regardless of the high premium. This time around, they were deflated by the cost savings they had passed up the prior years and realized they wanted some skin in the game. It was time to make the change to Strategic!
Ready to learn more? Premium requirements vary by class and state. Click below to find more information about our program and appetite. Contact your Marketing Account Executive for more information!