COVID-19 Update
March 16, 2020
We know your inbox is being flooded with COVID-19 related emails from your business partners, so we will make this short and sweet.
Strategic Comp’s Operating Plans: As you know, Strategic Comp has been a work-from-home company since its inception in 1992. All of our marketing, account management, loss control, and claims adjusters work out of their homes and live in our agents’ and insureds’ communities. Therefore, we are confident that our business will have limited disruption and we will continue to be able to serve you as we have in the past. While we pride ourselves on our “high touch” service, “touch” might not be the best word to use right now, so let’s just say we will be respectful of the rules our business partners implement regarding outside visitors and, where necessary, work to find creative solutions that will allow us to continue to help our insureds reduce their accident frequency and claims costs. “Let’s make this work for everyone” is our tag-line, and there is no better descriptor of how we intend to approach our jobs during this pandemic.
COVID-19 Claims: It is possible that some of our insureds’ employees will file workers’ compensation claims related to COVID-19. We will investigate any COVID-19 claim received, evaluating the facts and circumstances of each claim. But keep in mind that the workers’ compensation system is not the appropriate starting point for COVID-19 concerns, testing, and treatment. Claims involving communicable disease are typically not considered compensable for employees who are at no greater risk than the general public; however, if an employee can prove that the disease was caused or aggravated by the conditions of employment, the claim may be deemed compensable. There may be employees who are concerned they may have contracted COVID-19 through work. Those employees should be directed to call their healthcare provider for advice on testing and treatment. If an insured employee tests positive for the virus and alleges that he/she contracted the disease at work, please promptly report the claim to us, and we will perform an appropriate claims investigation.
COVID-19 Prevention: By now you have been inundated with emails with advice about how to protect yourself, your employees, and your customers. We do not intend to re-send you any information or links that you have been sent hundreds of times. However, please know that if you do want assistance, our loss control representatives are here for you and can refer you to resources that might help.
We thank you for your continued trust in us, and we look forward to working through this difficult time with you.
Jason CohenPresident, Strategic Comp