Recent Successes
At Strategic Comp, our agency relationships are a large part of our success. We are grateful for your business and continued trust! For those that have not worked with us yet, we look forward to future opportunities.
1/1 season is right around the corner! Submissions kick off right after Labor Day. Take a look at some of what we have written recently. Let's talk about the accounts you have and the accounts you want, and ring in the new year with another success!
Property Management. A new producer had heard about our program from a fellow agent in another state. The insured's (now previous) carrier was using a TPA that was lacking in the type of claims management they needed and expected. With the testimonial from the producer's coworker that Strategic Comp's claims management was among the best in the industry, the agent was eager to see what we could offer. Our deductible structure combined with the oversight and management we provide had the insured ready to seal the deal!
Automobile Dealership. There is nothing better than helping an agent write a new account! This prospect was one we had seen in the past, but they had not been ready to sign on the dotted line. Their previous structure left them exposed to more risk than they had bargained for. Our paid loss program with an aggregate deductible minimizing the risk piqued their interest and enabled the agent to set up a meeting to share more about our dedicated service team. That was all it took to have this insured ready to make a trade in for a new and better model!
Tool Wholesaler. Our new insured was with a carrier that provided nothing in terms of services, which was leading them down a dead-end road. The agent knew it was time to find a carrier that could supply the tools and loss prevention resources needed to improve their experience. Not only did we solve their workers' compensation problem, we wrote the auto as well. Our Comp+Auto program in motion provided a winning combination!
Concrete Ready-Mix Operation. Many insureds feel a captive can provide a concrete solution to their insurance needs. This new account was one of those, but they quickly found out that was not the case. Claims management and loss prevention was not as promised, which led them looking for options at renewal. Meeting with our dedicated service team was all it took to realize that Strategic Comp was the solid solution for their operation.
Nursing Home/Senior Living. This nursing home group had numerous locations and several policies, adding up to a sizable guaranteed cost premium. The agent was looking for a way to combine these together. We write many accounts in the senior living space and word of mouth helped guide this insured our way. After discussions with an owner of another similarly structured insured of ours, this owner was eager to learn more about Strategic Comp. We provided a very competitive option to guaranteed cost that offered the opportunity to save with little risk on the upside.
Food Packaging Manufacturer. We were excited to write this new National Account the second time around. Last year, we were very close to bringing this one on board but lost out to another loss sensitive option. Packaging can be deceiving and unfortunately that was the case for the workers' compensation carrier they elected to go with. With the services not being delivered, this insured asked Strategic Comp to provide a proposal for their renewal this year. The decision to make a switch was an easy one knowing that they would get what was promised.
Premium requirements vary by class and state. Contact your Marketing Account Executive today to talk about the accounts you have and the accounts you want!